Little help please. I currently have an Acer Revo, HP MCE receiver and Harmony One. I've been using this setup for ages now and it works a treat.
However I want to play around adding more actions to my touch screen on the Harmony. Problem is, I have a limited selection of keys in the pull down menu in the Logitech software.
If I may ask if someone would be kind enough to just give me an example.
For instance, I'd like the Now Playing function to be binded to a touch screen button on my Harmony. The actual key press in Kodi is 'N'. Presumably I need to add in the standard keyboard.xml file in my user data folder in OpenELEC, but then what?
Kodi Default Keyboard.xml
Little help please. I currently have an Acer Revo, HP MCE receiver and Harmony One. I've been using this setup for ages now and it works a treat.
However I want to play around adding more actions to my touch screen on the Harmony. Problem is, I have a limited selection of keys in the pull down menu in the Logitech software.
If I may ask if someone would be kind enough to just give me an example.
For instance, I'd like the Now Playing function to be binded to a touch screen button on my Harmony. The actual key press in Kodi is 'N'. Presumably I need to add in the standard keyboard.xml file in my user data folder in OpenELEC, but then what?
Kodi Default Keyboard.xml
<left mod="ctrl">analogseekback</left>
<right mod="ctrl">analogseekforward</right>
<key id='65446'>Back</key>
<s mod="ctrl">Screenshot</s>
<!-- PVR windows -->
<!-- Multimedia keyboard keys -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- MS Media Center keyboard shortcuts sent by MCE remotes -->
<!-- See -->
<p mod="ctrl,shift">Play</p> <!-- Play -->
<s mod="ctrl,shift">Stop</s> <!-- Stop -->
<p mod="ctrl">Pause</p> <!-- Pause -->
<f mod="ctrl,shift">FastForward</f> <!-- Fwd -->
<b mod="ctrl,shift">Rewind</b> <!-- Rew -->
<f mod="ctrl">SkipNext</f> <!-- Skip -->
<b mod="ctrl">SkipPrevious</b> <!-- Replay -->
<d mod="ctrl">Info</d> <!-- MCE Details -->
<f10>VolumeUp</f10> <!-- MCE Vol up -->
<f9>VolumeDown</f9> <!-- MCE Vol down -->
<f8>Mute</f8> <!-- MCE mute -->
<g mod="ctrl">ActivateWindow(TVGuide)</g> <!-- MCE Guide -->
<m mod="ctrl">ActivateWindow(music)</m> <!-- MCE My music -->
<i mod="ctrl">ActivateWindow(pictures)</i> <!-- MCE My pictures -->
<e mod="ctrl">ActivateWindow(video)</e> <!-- MCE videos -->
<m mod="ctrl,shift">PlayerControl(ShowVideoMenu)</m> <!-- MCE DVD menu -->
<o mod="ctrl">ActivateWindow(TVRecordings)</o> <!-- MCE Recorded TV -->
<t mod="ctrl">ActivateWindow(TVChannels)</t> <!-- MCE Live TV -->
<t mod="ctrl,shift">ActivateWindow(TVChannels)</t> <!-- MCE My TV -->
<a mod="ctrl">ActivateWindow(RadioChannels)</a> <!-- MCE My Radio -->
<!-- MCE keypresses without an obvious use in XBMC -->
<u mod="ctrl">Notification(MCEKeypress, DVD subtitle, 3)</u>
<a mod="ctrl,shift">Notification(MCEKeypress, DVD audio, 3)</a>
<end mod="ctrl">ShutDown()</end>
<end mod="ctrl">ShutDown()</end>
<t mod="ctrl">SubtitleAlign</t>
<up mod="ctrl">SubtitleShiftUp</up>
<down mod="ctrl">SubtitleShiftDown</down>
<d mod="ctrl">Back</d>
<g mod="ctrl">Back</g> <!-- MCE Guide button -->
<enter>Select</enter> <!-- backspace>Fullscreen</backspace -->
<d mod="ctrl">Back</d>
<d mod="ctrl">Back</d>
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