Kodi/XBMC Question with FLIRC/Harmony

23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
Hi guys,

I'm just setting up my FLIRC I got today with my Harmony 650, I've got it working to about 90% of what I need except for one main thing and one small gripe.

First one is the issue with getting the left hand sidebar to appear, there seems to be no keyboard command for it to activate other than hovering a mouse over there, how does everyone search for films and filter views etc without a mouse?

Second one is not being able to change the Exit button to be set to "ESC" so it will go home, it seems I can only backup numerous times to get to the main menu.

Trivial things but annoying all the same!

Left arrow on my harmony one pulls up the side bar menu without issue on XBMC Kodi

There's a "keymap editor" in the "Program" section you can download to fine tune what you want done. Not sure if that'll help.

I have a feeling your "menu" button will do what you want the exit button to do (My exit button did this initially but I wanted exit to go back to the parent folder). You could find that in the keymap editor or the harmony software and switch it over.

Or maybe I totally misunderstood you.
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