Kop this guitarist

Don't suppose yo've got any links to tabs for these?

I just found the canon rock video on another site earlier today, and i'm very impressed by it. Could do with learning it really :cool:
Hal2005 said:
i have a tab somewhere it's for guitar pro i think
he's is offical site


Email in trust if you don't mind mate.

He's seriously impressive though, i had no idea he'd done other things (not supprising really though)

Nice link :cool:
There's a slightly better version on canon rock here (IMO anyway)

No idea if it's by the same guy. Both are amazing though... Wish i could play like that.
I think it's very impressive from a technical perspective, but apart from that it does absolutely nothing for me. Cold, soulless playing, but good enough to win some 'guitar shootout' competitions I guess.
"Canon Rock" is just sacriledge i'm afraid :p

I was glad when I heard 'Whose Autumn' though as it shows he can really play, there's some nice phrasing in there.

It's cool that he's doing this in what looks like just his tiny bedroom lol.
Its been a long long long long time since I've been impressed with somebody and I await his album.
Canon has gone straight to the top of my playlist - superb.
Its not only his playing but his composition skills and how he keeps it interesting and different to the end.
How old is he?
I'm a little bit tierd of the cheesy rock fest on some shred songs of late. Canon was impressive but it just didn't do it for me. It lost beauty of the orginal song I think.

However, if you want to here a truely terrorfying guitarist, go here:


Look at the video clips.

He absolutely plays the pants off this canon guy IMO!
Nitefly said:
However, if you want to here a truely terrorfying guitarist, go here:

I'll stick by my original comments - this guy is twice as old as JerryC and his compositional and recording skills aren't as good but he does sound a better guitar player but he should do with all the extra years.
Just think how good JerryC is going to be in a few years.
Hmmm he's not bad, especially for his age....but the problem is I think he overdoes it with the sweeping.

However, as you say - excellent compositional skills!

German Schauss is just sweep-mad though :p Definately a shredder, i've never seen him play anything melodic to be honest, there's a good few videos of him at one of the Jemfests at jemfest.com

This guy was cool but whenever I see an Asian guitarist the music is never really that good, it always seems to sound pretty cheesy, it's strange but they all seem to stick in the mold of melody, melody an octave higher, solo, bridge, melody etc and it gets a bit boring.

/constructive critisism.
I disslike 90% of what Mr JerryC does. Its old and tired. I just find it very boring, like its just shred, and mostly slow shred. I dont like his tone, and i dont like his lack of dynamics.
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Meh.. more guitar widdling.
Still not as good as quite a few other more famous guitar widdlers IMO, you can hear where he needs to tidy up his playing certainly on Sweeping from Heaven.
Cannon rock is interesting.. lacks much in the way of dynamics which make such a difference to music and playing, almost like he's playing it through some heavy compression or something.

Shredding like that got old in the 80s really, and its a shame to keep seeing it dragged out as something awesome. Yeah.. its impressive. But it was impressive in all those other guitarists that do exactly the same widdling. Give us something new please.
FAO Spirit7 -
What are you up to now?
This isn't a go at the other musos on here but you are the only one I would have given a job to after your wonderful blues solo and the concert you recorded.
I'd give Arty a job too but he plays the wrong instrument.
Shred is like watching someone participate in a "eat as many eggs as you can" contest. Funny for 5 minutes, but not really entertaining.

Edit: and why are they always asian?
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