KOTOR 2 crashing all the time

11 Dec 2004
Right, this is really annoying me now. Here goes...

Had KOTOR 2 for ages, playing through it for a 2nd time now. The first time (on my old HDD, before it nuked itself) it would crash occasionally (like every 20 minutes) and was moderately annoying, but I managed to make my way through the game somehow, and I enjoyed it.

Fast forward a few months to the new HDD, reinstalled it, patched it etc, and tried it. Same random crash bugs, but this time, they're much more frequent. I'm on Nar Shadaa atm, and the crashes are coming every 10 minutes or so, making the game unplayable. I've e-mailed tech support, tried what they suggested (pointed me towards some upgraded motherboard drivers and advised me to disable all non-Microsoft programs at startup) but it's still crashing. A lot. :(

I think the problem lies with the Radeon 9600 Pro graphics card that the KOTOR game engine doesn't like, but short of buying an expensive shiny new graphics card, isn't there any way to fix it? I'm running fairly new drivers, and since KOTOR 2 is an old game, I doubt that any newer drivers will help fix the problem if it hasn't already been fixed.

If you need any more info (dxdiag file, or something like that) then just ask, and I will oblige. I want to get this game up and running again so I can play it.


PS: A wierd thing happened before the last crash. I was on Nar Shadaa, and suddenly my two other characters in my party disappeared. 'Wierd' I think, so I go into the party selection menu. There are no portraits available to choose (though two blank portraits are highlighted beige, as if they are chosed already) and where it should have a character pic and name, it instead says 'I AM BROKEN, SO VERY VERY BROKEN'. :eek:
Tech support got back to me again, this time telling me the standard stuff that basically amounts to 'Turn all the eye candy off and lower the detail and resolution so much that your character resembles a coloured blob'.

Looks like tech support don't know what's wrong with it either then. :(
The crash bugs I experienced on the original were due to my overclock being a little too ambitious. Everyting else I threw at the PC would be fine, but I found the original KOTOR to pick up the instabilities in my overclock. I had to drop the Memory/FSB down by about 5 MHz and everything was fine.
As far as I know, my PC is running at stock speeds...then again, with this PC, I'm never entirely sure what anything is doing. I'll check that out. :)
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