L Plates On My Moped

2 Sep 2010
Hey guys i have just passed my car driving test and have an gap inbetween passing my test and getting a car so was wondering can i ride my moped with no L plates , i do have a valid CBT ive had a year last may. there seems to be come confutuion on the web about it, but reading this http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/LearnerAndNewDrivers/RidingMotorcyclesAndMopeds/DG_10016249
If you have a car licence...

If you obtained your full car licence before 1 February 2001 you are automatically entitled to ride a moped without L-plates (D-plates in Wales).

If you obtained a full car licence after 1 February 2001 you must first complete a CBT course and obtain a DL 196 certificate to validate your entitlement.
i take it i have the same privaliges as if i passed before feb 01 :confused:

Any helps appreciated. also ive got to get my full 33hp licence test booked before the law changes in january.
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