
12 Mar 2013
Grimsby UK
so this game is now out on Xbox one and PS4 with updated graphics/textures/lighting....

Any idea why this hasn’t come across to the pc also?

I loved the game on ps3 and would prefer to buy it on pc with the new updates!
There is a Vr spin off coming out but not a remaster of original with the better graphics and 4K support etc

If I’m wrong please let me know as if love to pre order as for some reason I love this game
Interested to know if PC is getting an update as I literally started playing* it this month.

*Playing = Loaded it up, set settings, faced about to get higher refresh rate etc, moved about a bit looking for clues in an alleyway.
I started playing this for the first time this month too. Only played a few hours so far but I'm not feeling yet. Going to try and stick with it given how good the reviews were...
Ooooooooooo, I only ever got like a 3rd of the way through this, would certainly like to give it another shot with updated textures.
The FPS unlock fix is a god send for this I thought and didn't really break anything as it was suppose to. Played most if not all a few years back. It's a lovely game but a bit slow to get going I thought. Could have done with a sequel imo.
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