Quick heads up for next weekend:
Been to Prescott a couple of times. It is nice to watch a hill climb, especially when some of them are really going for it
Anyone else going?
LATEST NEWS: Breitling Wingwalkers to perform on both days (weather permitting)
RAF FLY PAST Sunday only at 1pm. WW2 Dakota
3 fabulous EB110 on display
3 Veyron (possibly more)
Ayrton Senna F1
Vintage Bugattis
Stiltwalkers, Edith Piaf tribute and much more...n'est pas!
A very English Saturday
8.30 to 10 Breakfast
9.00 to 1 Practice runs for English Classic Competiton
1 to 2 Lunch with Cavalcades, Daleks and Demonstration runs
2 to 5 English Classic Competition
French Marque Sunday
8.30 to 10 Petit Dejeuner
9.30 to 1 Practice runs for French Cars in Competiton
1 to 2 Lunch with French Cavalcades and Demonstration runs
2 to 5 French Cars in Competition
Been to Prescott a couple of times. It is nice to watch a hill climb, especially when some of them are really going for it
Anyone else going?