Lab grown meat approved in USA for human consumption.

Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Of course it's an amazing piece of science, but to me as a pleb, I can't help feel that it's a bit dodgy. I mean I'm sure it's closely monitored etc for pathogens and other issues.... But things like GM crops and hormone filled animals have been shown to have a detrimental effect down the food chain...

Of course being able to eat meat that hasn't killed millions of animals is not a bad thing.... However are there potential negative side effects that we haven't considered?

Would you eat lab grown meat?
We're one of the top rated meat exporting nations for quality and quantity. We export nearly as much beef per year as the US, despite having a population ~12 times smaller.

I remember reading that your food standards were worse than the EU. Perhaps I'm mistaken. But I'm biased ;)

Oh I think it's about hormones. You're not allowed to export hormone meats to the EU.
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Your FSA says that.

Edit: FWIW I prefer to buy meat from local farmers when I can. The food miles and traceability are pretty important.

I think if everyone did that we'd be in a far better situation but there wouldn't be enough meat to go around.

As for this lab meat. As long as it's not hormone or antibiotic filled and just as natural as possible then it's no worse I guess than the highly processed crap people eat now.
Another step to the end of intensive farming.

The faster this comes along the better.
Mainly for animal welfare but also environmental impact too

I wonder how this scales up in terms of energy requirements, carbon etc... I guess it should be lower than traditional farming. If they can make it cheaper than organic meat then I think they're onto a winner.

Next step is beef. My local farm supplies our butcher and it's just so nice. We don't buy supermarket meat anymore unless we have no choice.

Hopefully Europe will start to invest and investigate the opportunity and test it for use here.
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Man I can't wait for all the pretentious hypocritical BS about how all these animals will die because there's no demand for them as if they care one bit about their welfare.

There will still be a market for 'premium' meat so who cares.

Yeah this won't stop "normal" meat for decades if ever. But it could reduce intensive animal farming if it all works out to be safe and cheap.
I don't agree. If someone is on a diet, say a low carb diet, they then very occasionally have a high carb meal, are they then no longer considered as being on a diet? Of course they are. We all have our own set of principles and rules we live by but we are not perfect and sometimes deviate. If you considered every veggie who has consumed meat within the last 6 or 12 months not to be veggie then that would drastically reduce the number of veggies in the world. I last consumed meat (chicken) at Xmas, so am I a veggie?

Vegetarianism is a lifestyle not a diet. It's a belief principle too.

In your case I'd suggest you follow a vegetarian lifestyle most of the time but you are not a vegetarian in principle. If you believed your principles enough you would never eat meat.
yeah maybe lol....ok ok i give in, i'm not a veggie, i just try not to eat meat :)
Mate that's still awesome. If everyone dropped meat for 1-2 days per week we'd be in a far better place.

We've personally reduced our meat consumption significantly and only buy from the local butcher (we live in a small town in the countryside).

Honestly vegetarian dishes are also very good. Couldn't be vegan though, eggs are so important (I eat 3 a day for the last 10+ years!).
I've developed an allergy to eggs and it's a ******* nightmare.

As I've got older my food intolerances have multiplied. I've avoided dairy for many years now and now with the egg issue I'm eating much more vegan food and ingredients, like vegan mayonnaise or ice creams.

So I class myself as a vegan...who eats meat ;)

I avoid dairy just because I'm not a calf and don't need it.

Eggs I feel so sorry for you! I think I'd literally cry.
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