Lack of People online. Why ?

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Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
I would like your thoughts on why there is so few people online gaming.
Comparing the numbers that own and play games offline to those that play online i mean.
BF2 for instance was proud to announce 56000 players online at one time as a record recently. 56k is that all, i mean how many have purchased BF2 surely over a Million.
Same as the RaceSim games i play. When you go on GTL its a rare day that say a hundred people are online at the same time, its more like an average of 50 players to be honest.
Original COD was the same if i remember correctly there was usually a couple of thousand peeps on at one time.
Now 56k or a thousand or whatever figure it is out of the whole world seems tiny to me so Why ?

I have a few opinions myself but want to know what you guys think.
So you feel that online gamers are there but just not on the games i play. I accept this but go back to my earlier point of those that have purchased BF2 and those that play it online. Same with GTL. How many copies are sold compared to how many online seems small to me.
Do you think its because these games don't have the substance to keep players online for some time or do you feel that these genres of online games don't breed long term online players.
Bang on Steve45 RFactor is the perfect example.
I was fortunate enouth to be given my copy of Rfactor by Gjon Camaj (Developer) as members of my team have helped in Modding/skinning/tracks etc.
Big shout to the MrMen Mod crew headed by [TSR]Raven and MrIngall.
The game is awesome with fantastic cars tracks and numerous mods to saticfy all racers. The superkarts being my favourite but dont tell the MrMen crew that. ;)
As you say its like a ghost town most times you go online. You are lucky to find a race with a double figure entry.
I do feel the fragmented nature of the track/mod scene hasn't helped with RF but still i expected more people to be on such a good game.
This is not the case with GTL as its literally Plug and play gaming but still there are very few racers on at one time.
It perplexes me.
A neighbours kid and his mate were round my house a month or so ago and i showed them BF2 online and GTL, they were knocked out and although they knew about online gaming they didn't know how far on it had moved.
One of thems dads had a decent PC and broadband so there really is no exscuse, i really dont understand it.

Posters 11 and 12.
Very interesting and these are the answers i am looking for.
vaultingSlinky said:
Its because 5.5mil are playing WoW, thats where all the gamers are :p

Oi you :p
He speaks the truth my old COD clan was desimated by the arrival of WOW.
I miss my old clan including you my future Doctor friend. ;)

I,m with sja360 Down with WOW i want my mates back. :D

Reality check.
Never played it so cannot slate it. I just want my gaming community back. :(
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