Lactose intolerance thread (suggestions brands etc)

30 Jun 2007
Right not sure if this is medical advice or not so maybe we agree to avoid what tablets or drops work best till a mod can confirm if that would be OK?

So until then what are your best alternatives/substitutions or tollarable things?

I recently tried the coconut collaborative's yoghurt fruit pouch and it was terrible it was like sucking on a packet of congealed oil.

Same as I've found violife (wasnt this in fallout?) vegan cheese to be but much worse, if you've ever used coconut oil in cooking it was like just scooping out a finger full and eating it :(

The "lacto-free" brand I've found good but limited it doesn't have the sweet taste of lactase treated stuff but it is expensive and definitely if used in bulk it does still have an effect.

Asda does lactose fre philidelphia now though! That seems good and tastes very similar, works perfectly with their sausage casserole recipe (stock, philly onions and sausage/potato)

I'm told 24 month+ old cheese or blue is safe but I've found this varies a bit of 24 month parmesian on top seems fine but a carbonara lth aged pecorino doesn't.

I'll rm the post but until we get an answer keep drops/tablets out of it and keep it to food
What else are you putting in the carbonara? Pecorino is a sheep cheese so shouldn't be causing a problem if you are lactose intolerant - I also suffer from lactose intolerance and goat/sheep cheese is ok for me.

Could it be a milk protein allergy/intolerance instead as this may also explain the reaction to lactofree in larger intakes?

Appreciate you may have thought of all of this already though - from personal experience I know how much of a pain it can be trying to figure out what to eat and what to avoid.

Yeah I found it weird peccorino effects me (yolk, pecrorrino pepper salt) I didn't know about the protein thing I shall check into that!
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