Laing DDC 12v Pump

10 Apr 2006
recieved one of these pumps today, with one of the plexi tops included.

Now I removed the old black placcy top to the pump and replaced it with the plexi using the included screws- but there was no gasket or sealing agent included? does the plexi just sit on top of the pump and held by the screws? will this be suffiecient under pressure?or should I add a bead of silicone or something to it?
there's a small o-ring that surrounds the center of the pump, but when I tightened down the plexi top, there was no "seal" apparent, you know what i mean, like a bit of resistance you have to tighten past to get a nice seal...

maybe thats all it needs...
the plexi top is designed to fit this pump exactly, infact I expected it to be already fitted.
its a very nice fit, Im just a bit suprised there isnt more to stop it leaking, however when I get this all setup in the next few days and put it on leak test all will become apparent I guess.

If it does leak I will just gun a line of clear silicone around the bottom of the plexi top and re-fix it to the pump, that will stop it leaking for sure.

Just wondered if anyone has had experience of this before...

oh and just an aside...I also recieved some Royal Purple Super Coolant to add into my system, it didnt come with any instrustions, and upon reading their website for mixing ratios this came up:

When using Purple Ice® with an anti-freeze / water concentration, Royal Purple recommends adding 1 ounce of Purple Ice® per quart of cooling system capacity. For straight water (racing) applications, Royal Purple® recommends adding 1.5 ounces of Purple Ice® per quart of cooling system capacity.

wtf is this in english!?! these measurements seem like they're out of the ark to me! when it says quart does it mean quater of a pint? so 1 fl/oz per quater pint???
I have the same pump/plexi unit (DDC-1 plus or something) and it really is a great pump, very high pressure and ultra quiet.

If i can remember correctly, there should be 4 longer screws and a rubber ring that comes with the plexi top. The ring sits in a groove around the pump and when screwed tight it makes a perfect water tight seal. I did everything extra tight just to be sure.
G.O.A.T is correct, there should be 4 longer screws and a rubber ring that comes with the plexi top. I have just watch a video review of this pump.

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there was no o-ring with the plexi top, only the 4 loner screws.

will test the pump for leaks tomorrow
The plexi top re-uses the existing o-ring to seal and sits in the groove on the pump body.
It ships with the plexi top, 4 longer screws and a G1/4 plug.

The additional add-on reservoir comes with another o-ring.

No leaks on mine:
Yes I used PTFE.

Some brands of barb come with an o-ring to remove the need for tape but I go belt and braces and always use tape as well.
Are you both happy with this pump, with noise, flowrate, head etc.

I am looking to buy the Ultra with tank or maybe the D5 for the higher flowrate for a crossfire system, but still can not make my mind up which one to go with?

Thanks for feedback on the PTFE tape.

DaveMac on your pump photo you were using the top port; any reason was it for better flowrate or tubing layout?

gr1mey which ports did you use?


I used the two front ports with 1/2" ID tubing, flow rates are exceptionally good.

The top port does give a SLIGHT boost in flow, but I didnt use it as it would have taken up more room in my 3.25" bay which I need.
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