lan case suggestion

12 Jan 2006
ive been draggin my computer back and forth a lot recently and was thinking of a new case for my new pc build in prep for sup com when it comes out

does any one know of a half decent case with carry handle ? hehe

serisouly i was thinking one on the top, ive been using the gap where two fan holes are to carry it lately and was thinking a carry handle might be a little less sharp on the old fingers

ive had a qucik google on the subject but only found some on us sites and would rather order from a uk company

anyone know of any good ones ?
hmm i like it although a bit more bling than usually go for


it contradicts its self in the review ive found it says:

"As before with our NZXT cases, the carry strap just didn't survive long enough to be useful" also it says "NZXT has even included a LAN case strap with the LEXA for easy transportation. No risking the paint job to tote this baby around!"

so did it come with two straps or one bag that has broken ?

only problem is theres no carrying it or is it that small its not really a problem ? also i was planing on craming many hard drives in there, i like my HD space hehe im a hoader of all things avi shaped

ohhhhhh i like it hehehe v good suggestion im defo tempted by that exactly what i was thinking about and i can get loads of drive sin there using caddies

v600 does look nice and i do like the idea of smallness but theres a comfotable feeling about a large case, kinda like when i get my lovely shiny new components, and they actualy fit hehe
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