At the moment using my powerline kit from downstairs to upstairs im getting transfere speeds of around 5mb/s through homegroup with networked drives.
'm using
tplink 250mbps Powerline kit through the virgin media superhub.
I want to try and speed this transfere up.
What would increase these speeds dramatically?
500mbps powerline kit or a new router and use the superhub in modem mode?
Can you reccommend any powerline kits / routers that would increase speeds.
Nothing stupdibly expensive.
'm using
tplink 250mbps Powerline kit through the virgin media superhub.
I want to try and speed this transfere up.
What would increase these speeds dramatically?
500mbps powerline kit or a new router and use the superhub in modem mode?
Can you reccommend any powerline kits / routers that would increase speeds.
Nothing stupdibly expensive.