Landscape cropping advice

24 Aug 2003
I'm getting the below photo printed on a canvas, but am unsure how it should be cropped.

I like the wide cloud band and would probably crop around the first cloud "lump" on the left.
My wife would like it much more tightly cropped to around the hill.


------^----^ (my crop here or here)
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I think it's ok at the moment. But in the past I've tended to go too wide on my panorama stitches. I thought I would get some other opinions.
Thanks for the input. I hadn't really considered the right hand side. I was going to crop more of the dead branches off thinking they were distracting.

This is the full stitch as it has come out of the stitching program (I don't know what program I used, it was taken over 6 years ago)


As you see things are a bit tight, but if I trim the grass off a little I could probably squeze it in.

Retaking it is an option, but I'd have to wait until June next year!
just had a quick play with Photoshop Element Photomerge.

Reposition only merge, and this is it's result:


Still tight, but more options now
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