Landscapes + bad weather = meh

20 Oct 2002
I'm off on my travels this Sunday (woo!) and am going to be in NZ for the end of their winter. Therefore i'm expecting grey skies and rain, but of course beautiful landscapes. So i'm after some advice on how to make the best of things. :) I might be lucky and get the odd blue sky here and there though, i guess.

Has anyone got any links of pics with bad weather for some inspiration? Or ideas of what settings to try etc.. to try to make the msot of it? Bit of an odd question i know :)
ranarama said:
As long as it's not just a flat grey sky then yes. They can make very dramatic B&W shots. Think about picking up an ND grad so the grey skies don't end up as washed out white.

Thats what i'm worried about -- flat grey skies :(

I think i know the answer to this question, but will my circular polarising filter help at all in cloudy/grey weather? I could buy an ND grad, but i'm already bending my budget on lots of memory cards and a spare battery!
Ugley_Matt said:
You will have to go for the Mordor look rather than the Shire

that made me laugh :D

Thanks guys, maybe i'll see if i can pick up a graduated ND, otherwise i'll just take care to either expose to the sky or just make sure not to blow it out :)
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