Language problem in Opera

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
Suddenly yesterday, Opera seemed to turn French. Not the display in any way, for example all the menus etc are still in English. But whenever I type in a web page using Opera, my keyboard seems to have turned French. For example, Q and A have swapped, as have W and Z. Also, all the punctuation and top row keys are producing characters which I normally expect to get when using an internet cafe in France.

I notice there's another thread around at the moment concening keyboard language codes, but my problem does not appear to be quite the same. The problem only affects Opera. It doesn't affect Firefox (which I'm using to make this post). It doesn't affect such things as Word or Excel.

I've tried the Opera Help facility, but can't find anything relevant.

The problem doesn't go away with a reload of Opera, or even with a reboot of my PC.

Does anyone have any ideas on this, short of reinstalling Opera, which I'm prepared to do as a last resort?
Problem seems to have disappeared. Following a reboot this morning, Opera is now working in English. Very strange, because a reboot yesterday definitely didn't overcome the problem.
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