Language to learn alongside VB6 ?

5 Jul 2012
In computing we're learning VB6 which isn't that great a language as far as I can see and since I want to apply to EE or Systems and Software engineering next year. I was wondering what anyone would advise me to learn in tandem with VB6 at home just to broaden my knowledge and give me something proper to talk about at an interview or in my personal statement.

In school we're not just focusing on solving problems in VB6 but we're also learning some of the theory like why you use constants and loops and stuff like that not just VB6?


PS. I asked a similar question a while back but I wasn't doing VB6 at that point and don't want to be mixing something with vb6 if they're not really that similar or helpful to learn together?
If you're looking to develop in a professional environment, learn something Object Orientatated, eg. Java, C# or C++.

Hearing people come on here and say they're learning VB6 makes me cry, you're busting your balls to learn a completely obsolete language of no use to anyone.

I'd hardly say we are busting our balls, its like the easiest but relevant class I could find to make up my a level choices.

I tried C before but got stuck at pointers and arrays as I didn't really understand what was going on?

Although I did do some C++ programming on a engineering experience week and I seemed to follow it better but we didn't do anything with arrays or pointers as we were using it for micro controller circuits.
Don't any institutions teach Pascal as an introduction to OO and data types?

A collegue of mine at Uni was marked down for using VB. That was a fair while ago though

I think they must have used it in the past as there's like a whole stack of pascal textbooks on one of the window sills.

I'm think about maybe trying C or C++ but I liked the way with VB6 you can make something quite quickly with the forms creator?
Thanks for the advice guys,

I've installed visual studio 2010 and had a play around with it and I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some good C# tutorials or example problems etc.?
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