So I've had a laptop knocking around for ages that clearly has some sort of software issue.
It basically boils down to - whenever i run a windows update, it gets to where it shuts down and boots up and gets stuck on a black screen with just the MSI logo
Similar to this https://www.google.com/search?q=msi...&biw=2256&bih=1361&dpr=1#imgrc=kCSV0GOSo3_EGM
So I tried to just wipe the computer and start again (through the in windows option) and it seems this has the same effect.
What are my options from here?
Can I find out whats causing it?
Will installing linux be possible instead, all I want to do is watch and stream media. (main reasons being its lightweight and may install properly.)
Any help is appreciated!
Thank you,
So I've had a laptop knocking around for ages that clearly has some sort of software issue.
It basically boils down to - whenever i run a windows update, it gets to where it shuts down and boots up and gets stuck on a black screen with just the MSI logo
Similar to this https://www.google.com/search?q=msi...&biw=2256&bih=1361&dpr=1#imgrc=kCSV0GOSo3_EGM
So I tried to just wipe the computer and start again (through the in windows option) and it seems this has the same effect.
What are my options from here?
Can I find out whats causing it?
Will installing linux be possible instead, all I want to do is watch and stream media. (main reasons being its lightweight and may install properly.)
Any help is appreciated!
Thank you,