laptop cpus

10 Aug 2003
I am getting confused with the naming of cpu/models (all intel). Of these three which are better:
Core 2 duo
centrino core 2 duo
santa rose core 2 duo

Thanks guys :)
As far as I know Core 2 Duo is the overall name for Intel's present cpu collection, Centrino just refers to it having these 3 components... wireless network, mobile processor, mobile chipset.

Santa Rosa is the codename for a form of the Core 2 Duo range (just as desktop have Conroe, Allendale, Penryn) with the cpu's having a 800FSB compared to the previous ones having 533FSB and 667FSB. I am 99% sure I am right with what I just said but someone may prove me wrong :p
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Thanks Agr3sive, all the laptops i have been looking at have all builtin wireless (its not to find a laptop these days without it) so is a centrino laptop better than a non centrino laptop with the same cpu (both have builtin wireless & on onboard graphics)??
Centrino is a package name, for a company to be able to brand their laptop as a centrino it has to use intel chipset, intel cpu and intel wireless. They only started using the centrino name again quite recently.. Santa Rosa is the current latest chipset/platform from intel.
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