laptop dismantling

18 Oct 2002
any advice/guides

ive taken off every screw from the back and under bat, but it still wont come off (my sisters broken her laptop power plugin port bit so it should just be a solder job but i need to get it open!)

any help its an unbranded laptop from about 3 years ago :/

what is the laptop model. look for the service manual online. there are probably screws that you have missed. Normally you disassemble them from the top down by removing the keyboard.
Topgun said:
what is the laptop model. look for the service manual online. there are probably screws that you have missed. Normally you disassemble them from the top down by removing the keyboard.

ahh im trying this but unfortunately all the model numbers etc have rubbed off all i know is the manufacturer so im googling that and service manual!
Normally its just the big manufactuers like IBM, HP etc who publish service manuals (these are also the easiest to work on anyway). What make is it? can you provide a picture.

Have you managed to remove the keyboard? There is sometimes a long screw underneath it which holds it all together.
Topgun said:
Normally its just the big manufactuers like IBM, HP etc who publish service manuals (these are also the easiest to work on anyway). What make is it? can you provide a picture.

Have you managed to remove the keyboard? There is sometimes a long screw underneath it which holds it all together.

theres a screw underneath the screen hinge, i don't see how you can get to it, i might just have to take it to a shop to be repaired. It isn't IBM HP its 'gericom' (never even heard of them before lol)
looks like the strip with the power button needs sliding to the left/right and than that should come off showing some screws holding the keyboard down

if it doesn't slide then be gentle and try to prise it off ( gently does it though :) )
xpcpu said:
looks like the strip with the power button needs sliding to the left/right and than that should come off showing some screws holding the keyboard down

if it doesn't slide then be gentle and try to prise it off ( gently does it though :) )

aye its a pop off, im scared of breaking it, i think ive slightly deformed it already :/
Gericom are one of the two brands used by PCW for their Advent rebranded pc's. Just for info anyway.

As has been said, the panel above the keyboard will just clip out, can be a be stiff sometimes but will clip out. Then there will be 2/3 screws holding the keyboard in at the top of it. Remove those and then the keyboard should slid up and out, making sure you disconnect the ribon cable from it first.

After that see what you can see really :)

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