Laptop Fan

5 Dec 2003
Having recently reformatted and added new RAM to my laptop that I aquired off my girlfriend and it is now in a "usable" state (thanks for all the help from the guys on this forum!).

I only have one more thing thats really ticking me off, the fan! It seems to come on pretty much after I open my first application in windows and does not go off till I shut down, Its very noisy!

Do you guys think I will see/hear a difference if I get my self some thermal paste and re-seat the CPU etc?? Also is there anyway of controlling the fan from windows? Maybe an app that does it?

The laptop is a 15" widescreen Packard Bell EasyNote.

Thanks in advance!
Is it me or is it a bit rubbish that the fan has to be on when just looking at a view websites, running a big app or something I can understand but surely you should be able to do small things with out the fan on? Also when I leave it with no apps running why does it not then cool down enough again, its just winding me up as its a constant noise.
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