Laptop Folding

9 Apr 2007
What sort of points will a i7 3740QM and 680M get? Is it worth even using it to fold.
On the plus side i have my 2600K and GTX670 folding again.
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Given that a lappy usually only has a small power wattage power block, the PPD you will receive are probably proportionately good, compared to a desktop. But the biggest consideration is heat. Lappys often aren't that well cooled, and not really intended to have everything going flat out at 100% use.
Sure a laptop tray would be sufficient and after all the like of the above laptop are designed to play games and be pushed they should have relatively better cooling.
I crunch on my laptop, mainly "other" boinc projects (Rosetta, Cosmology, yoyo and GPUGrid)

Its a Lenovo T520 with i7-2720QM CPU @ 2.2Ghz and Nvidia NVS 4200M
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