Laptop Insurance question?

1 Jul 2007
Anybody know how much it would cost the university to insure a laptop so a pupil can take it home?

Just that last year we were supplied with laptops so we can also work at home/weekend/over the holidays, and this year it isnt.

Now my plan was to start a petition stating that we need them as compared to other courses who can study from books we cant to the same, and thus we are missing out on extra learning time outside the studio. Also stating its not possible allways go to work at uni as anyspare time we have outside the time needed for jobs will most likely be taken up by traveling to the uni, eg an extra couple of hours in the evening chances are hour+ will be used travelling to and from the city centre.
Then state that each laptop would cost the university £XX amount or they can cough up £XXXX to buy the software for each pupils own use.

After stating all this it would then say something like:
Below are the list of names that agree that pupils NEED the laptops to work at home. Please act accordingly.

(yes i realise i need to work on the wording, grammar, spelling etc but please answer the originial question)
it's design for digital media, nothing can be done without computers, apart from the initial sketching of ideas, and if you really wanted to go back to hand writing the 2000-3000 word essays.

it would be like studying biology without them supplying a frog to cut up.
or chemistry without supplying the chemicals to mix.

Also the campus is out of town, no halls of residents are built there.

edit: on top of all this we still need to buy our books and drawing equipment.
i duhno if that last bit is sarcasm or not InvG (too ill with fresher's flu to properly think)

its just more the inconveniance of everything, I mean fair enough if it was only photoshop we used then fine, but since theres also....well.....i dont know how many other programmes we use.

3d studio-max

are the ones off the top of my head
and obviosuly i do own a laptop,
but i know last year many students didnt bring their own as they thought they would be getting one from the uni, and i can imagine its the same.

It's not like ours to keep, it's done much in the same way as a book out of the library, but instead of keeping for a couple of weeks we keep till the end of the uni year, so it would be much like the library not allowing us to take books out.
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Again how is that any different to any other student and a laptop is not 1000+ you can get a perfectly good one for £300 second hand. Or a desktop for less then you can save the files to a usb stick.

have you tried using a large photoshop file or rendering on a anything with less power than a hamster running around in its wheel, it just doesnt happen.
I had many more costs than that, and my parents didn't give me any money as they can't. Yet I got through two years of uni buying all the gear I needed for my course.

Pretty much sums up the situation if he can't afford it.


I know getting a job is solution.
There are also many more costs.
studio fund £100
books...can be anything really again lets say £100
equipment through out the year....i dont know how much i even spent on all that.
then theres the usual costs
traveling £40 per month
food £20-30 a week.

uhm...all not sure.

basically we are not seeing eye to eye and i doubt how any of you dont understand that its a HUGE inconveniance to our course, so gonna leave it at that.
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