laptop isnt reading copyed cds/trying to install xp

16 Dec 2005
Halifax W'Yorkshire
Hello there, i have a laptop which im trying to install windows xp on but my xp disk that i baught years ago got very scratched so i made a copy befor it was un readable, but my laptop wont read the copy so i cannot install windows via cd.
Is there any other way of installing xp at all? i dont have a floppy drive in my pc so i cannot use floppy drive even if that is a option with installing os's these days.
I have a external hdd, but unlike my pc in the bios i cant find a option to be able to boot from it.

So if any one knows what i should do then please may you help me? :)
if you have a mate with a laptop you could swap the cd drive over temporarily, this would mean taking them out and removing them from any caddys and taking brackets off so it fits then swapping back once installed
or take laptop drive out put it in pc using adapter or an external box both can be had for £5 or less ,, copy files onto drive and run install from there

good luck
sorry for the late replys iv been busy.

I have fixed it, i had to use another copy of xp and install it but not register as it is a friends copy of xp, then copy the files from my disk to the hdd and run it wilst booted up then install my copy of xp over it :)

but thank you for the replys.
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