Laptop Issue; What are my Rights?

16 May 2006
Hi guys...
Bad news, my (AFAIK) less than 3 year old Acer Aspire 8930 has decided to play up with an annoying fault - The power cord had to be adjusted to get a sweet spot or I'll not be able to charge / power the laptop.

This is currently solved by a rubber band and a constant tension horizontal to the direction of insert.

Anyway, I got this from the Purple shirt down South and I'm wondering what are my Rights to a warranty fix or replacement with them in store up North? I'll need to dig up for the receipt too.

(Bought it in Portsmouth and I currently reside in Hull)

Thanks guys.
Looks like I'm not going to be in luck then :(
Just when I have my holiday booked, issues like these happens.

Will see how long this rubber band can hold before I visit my local PC shot to see if he can fix it for a the cheap... Thanks all!
Well, definitely not on my part as this laptop is plugged in 99.9% of it's life, it's a Desktop Replacement for me to bring when I go home for Christmas or a fortnight in the Summer :/
Being plugged in is part of the problem. If the laptop is plugged in and you're moving around, it pulls the wire and socket in different directions and weakens the joints. Not to mention the odd wire snag here and there.

Another common (but completely different) issue is people carrying laptops one handed by the corner of the laptop. It twists the motherboard and over time weakens solder joints on the boards causing faults or failure.

Mine just sits on the desk with a akasa cooling fan under it, thus I'm quite shocked how the power socket is a wear and tear issue. For the most part, it's probably been taken on and off for less than 25times (Been to and from my parents a total of 3 times, the odd couple of times of wire off to move whilst I clean my desk).

I'm waiting for my parents to send my receipt over from home so I can confirm how old it is. AFAIK, it's just over 2 years old.

Might have to find a friend who's got a soldering iron if I really have to resort to fixing it myself...
ARGH!!! ffs read the posts, the part cost less than a tenner and doesn't need soldering!

It's not that simple for anyone who's not done it before. The tiny screws and ribbon connectors are a nightmare.

If you posses something as complex as an opposable thumb, it pretty easy, just put things back where you found them.

OR, he could buy the plain power socket on it's own for under a fiver. You can remove all the screws required in under 20 seconds and spend a minute or so doing the soldering.

I understand where you're coming from, it's the need for solder that's the issue for me as it'll be a one off use - unfortunately my electronic friend has gone abroad to work. So to get a 1 off use solder iron only to be mucked up by my novice use and make matters worst?
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