Laptop not holding charge

10 Jan 2021
My friend has a hp laptop where it was not holding charge. He bought a replacement battery few months ago and it charged fine. He's saying now that it's not charging and he has a CMOS error message.

Any ideas what the problem is?
I believe it was £30.

So the CMOS is wrapped in some kind of flexible plastic not like the others where you can pop it out.

Does he need to buy one where it's also wrapped like that?
not all the laptops are coming with CMOS Batteries seporatly
so it does demend on model.

it should looke like :
see the first image Blue tag.

i would suggest buying it all "wrapped up" you should be able to get one from a number of online retailers/stores. there ae sold as complete units. i'm sure you can make something up but for the cost of a few £ just get the properthing.
Becarefull when removing the old battery the plastic can be hard to remove :/ at least its always 50/50 if i can do it easy or not with out damaging the cable or the plug.

but tbh like andy_mk3 said cheap bateries wont last long :/ but depending ont he age o the laptop it might be the only way to go.

if the machines doenst have a CMOS battery then its using the Main Battery (partaitioned of the first few % to use inplace of the CMOS battery)
Difficult to be certain But it looks like the cmos battery is in a holder.carefully remove the tape as has been said to check :)
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