laptop problem

18 Oct 2002
basically my sister dropped her laptop (unbranded 3years old now) on the floor with the power lead in the slot, now the power bit in the laptop has broken (the metal thing stickign out is loose) - is there anyway to fix this or is it time to buy a new one?
It would certrainly be worth whipping the mainboard out and assessing the damage. A power connection is not likely to be very complicated and will probably require just a couple of contacts to be re-soldered.
okay, ive never opened a laptop before, how exactly do you go about it, lol, ill also have to find my soldering iron too hah

If its an unbranded lappy thats 3 years old its more than likely the warranty has ran out so there shouldnt be a problem opening it up.

I had my power socket fail recently - mine was still under cover so I got it fixed but the engineers report said that all he did was resolder the connections.

Should take you less than 5 mins :)

For the actual soldering yeah, ive repaired absolutely tons of laptops and there is no way i could remove a mainboard and refit in 5 mins :eek:

I'd set aside a good few hours and make sure you make a note of where you took all the screws from, it'll come to peices easily enough, its getting it back together without having a pile of screws left over afterwards which is the harder part.

Whenever i am doing a new model which i havent taken apart before i get a sheet of A4 and draw a rough diagram of the chassis, and then place all removed screws on that in the right places.
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