laptop recovery partion help please

7 Sep 2003
i have a advent 10 inch laptop with no cdrom,witch crashed on boot up ive recoverd it using a bent copy of xp,what i wont to no is how can i get to see the partion,and can i recover it,i can see it in admin tools in xp but cant do nothing with it has no drive letter.

thnx for any help.
no it uses the techguys recovery option but thtas not there any more as i had boot error that was stopping me getting to the the recovery option just after u switch it on.
yes it is m8,maybe if some one has the same laptop they could make me a coppy and i can use my xp serial number on the back off laptop,the documentation said i can make a back up off it with a pen drive but it went **** up before i had the chance.
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