Laptop spec: £250~ish ....?

7 Nov 2004
Hi guys, I know you all get annoyed with all of the spec threads, but seeing as I'm no Guru on laptops, I thought I'd get some opinions :)

Right, basically, mother and boyfriend would like a laptop...For around £250, plus / minus...Mainly, it's just going to be for web browsing, and maybe some spreadsheets etc.

Now when people read the above, they'll probably just say 'hell get a cheaper second hand one', Which I could, but I still want the laptop to be responsive in some form, and not be clogged up with loads of random applications as well. (Which most come with, but I can always tinker with it if need be like I did with my bro's one)

Obviously you cant give me direct links, but if people could get me model numbers or something to look at it would be appreciated :)

Or do you think it would be cheaper to make it myself? Might be a possibilty I can get the parts in at work.

Thanks, Delvis
yeah I've personally looked at the eepc ones, but to be hoenst, they're a tad too small, they would only moan ;)
Hmm, they're the same spec pretty much aren't they?

So out of them the Acer on is the more attracting one...I'll have to look around again as well, on some of the high street stores sites :)

Do you think that's the correct spec to be needed then? I know Celerons nowadays are a lot better than they're older counterparts...I just don't want them to buy it, then go 'hey this is slow'. :)
Yeah, fair play :)

Which one out of those two do you prefer then personally? Toshiba laptops tend to be reasonably good, and the same with Acer really...Soo?

Yeah, they haven't given me a budget, they did say "what do you reckon? £500 or something for a laptop?"...I kinda laughed, as that is way overkill :) But then I don't want to get something that's under spec.

thankyou for the links though, out of the two I will probably do the Toshiba one, not sure though.
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