Laptop + water = insurance?

16 Jan 2005
Last night saw a bit of an accident with my laptop after my housemate kicked half a pint of water over the keyboard. Anyway, today neither the keyboard nor the trackpad work any more. The machine's a bit too old (2004) to get spares for so it seems I'm gonna claim on the insurance.

As I've never claimed on (contents) insurance before, is there anything I need to do / look out for / etc in order to get enough £££ to get a replacement? The insurance we've got (with Norwich Union) includes accidental damage and electonic toys etc.

Ta guys :)
Ok, here's the score. Caps lock, left and F2 work. Woo...
And to top it off, the accidental damage that we have is the wrong kind of accidental damage. We've covered for computers, TVs, VCRs, sound systems etc...but not portable computers. Sc-ore.
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