large old codebase

19 Jul 2006
Looking for some tips.
I normally work on my own projects on small websites and web apps.

I have recently got a job working for a company as a developer, there is a few of us and they are really nice.
However the codebase is large and its a bit over whelming.

Just wondered how you experienced devs deal with getting to know a larger system and any tips on how to pick it up quicker
19 Jul 2006
PHP with a really unkown framework. with a scattering of javascript in there to.
No real documentation or code comments. Even the fraimwork has little docs ( 1 page)

Theres a few seniors here that are happy to help me but dont want to be disturbing them all the time
19 Jul 2006
Thanks for the replys.
So week in and I'm going through phases of thinking I am getting it then feeling like I am back at square one.

From speaking to a few the system has grown massively over the past few years. There is no real standards no documentation and code comments are very sparse.

I do have a local dev environment and database with dummy data in so I develop safely. However there is no tests other then user testing and to be honest I think even trying to impliment tests at this stage of the code would be lots more work then it would save.

There is massive functions with if statements in which I would have broke out into separate functions but its all like that so I will just have to suck it up and get used to it.

I have done a few error fixes and small additions which has helped. I think a big part of my problem what trying to understand it all to start with rather then just easing in.

Think also as I dont really understand the business workflow its making things more dificult
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