Large wiring project

6 Aug 2005
West Sussex
Hello everyone,

I've not really used the networking forum much during my time as a member here, so first of all, hi.

Basically, I am thoroughly fed up of my wireless network. I have the fortune (via a well paid dad) to live in a big old victorian house which has accumulated a couple of extensions over the years. This means thick brick walls and rooms sticking out, and so the wireless signal is having to go at a shallow angle, and therefor longer, through said walls. This leads to dropout between my study and my room, and complete lack of connection to my sisters room. In an attempt to remedy this, I am moving back to wired, and have been given the go ahead by my dad to drill holes in walls and wire the house up.

Most of the wiring will be done outside, running wires inside along corners and edges of rooms, all terminating in female panels.

The actual networking side is something I've never been very confident with, I'm more of a flashy graphics cards and overclocking man myself. I will lay out my plan below. Note there are two hubs because my house is sort of split in two, it has two loft spaces and two seperate upstairs'. Also, the greyed out writing is future connections that wont be made this summer but may be done in the future.


Clear as mud I hear you say!

I'd be very grateful before embarking on such a mission as this to here any advice people who may have tackled such projects before have. Also, can you chain router-hub-hub like that without any IP conflicts? And do you drill from the outside in, or the inside out?

If anyone wants me to take photos and such to form some sort of project log, I'm sure I could be persuaded.

Thanks for reading this mahoosive post, look forward to any help.

6 Aug 2005
West Sussex
Wow, thanks for the hugely detailed responses. Couple of things. Firstly, my router has an integrated modem, sorry if that was confusing. Secondly, looking at competitors (OcUK don't sell switches) switches look quite a bit more expensive [edit: not hugely more expensive] than hubs, especially gigabit ones. For internet connection sharing would hubs be any worse? Also, are the crimping tools easy enough to use, and does anyone know about which outdoor wire staples to use?

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