Larger formats?

22 Sep 2009
I'm interested in using a medium or large format camera for landscapes but have absolutely no knowledge of them what-so-ever beyond the fact that they are praised for being better than smaller formats.

Once I get back on my photographic feet I hope to grab some medium/large format kit and have a play, but what sort of kit should I be looking at? I'm not going to give a price because I have no idea if I can get decent kit for £100, or £500, or even more, I just want something good quality for landscapes, the less the better as it's only a to test the waters; I don't want to spend twice the cash for a minor improvement until I know it's something I want to invest in.

From there where should I be looking to get photos developed, to buy film, etc? There is a place local that does film developing still, but it's not exactly a 'professional' quality company and probably won't even do larger formats (and if they do, I don't expect the same quality as from a pro place).
You can get digital backs for some medium format cameras, but you are going to be paying mucho dollars.
Many years ago I had the Mamiya RZ67 and use to do all my own developing. Ahh Cibachrome was so lovely.
I really want a Fuji gx617, take panoramic images at 2.5"x7" in glorious 3:1panormaic aspect ratio. Scanning some Fuji velvia on a drum scanner will get you hundreds of megapixels.

thing is, even although they are old and very basic, buying them second hand is still seriously expensive and I would have to forgo my D800 dream.

Very nice bit of kit but very specialized. I think 95% of the time I would prefer a D800E with top lenses includ9ing tilt-shift lenses than medium format kit.

As for digital medium format, just look at DXOmark and look at the colour depth and dynamic range - I would pick the D800 any day for ease of use. Pentax have one of the cheapest medium format digital backs, and i have seen comparisons with the D800/E - The D800 is clearly better.

For sure a Phase One IQ180 is insanely good - but you would have to mortgage your house (and I don't have a house to remotgage). Film is the only realistic choice in the digital medium format route, and I think cameras like the Fuji panoramic is where it makes the most sense. There is nothing in the digital world that rally compares, especially for the money.

On the flip-side, a proper panoramic head that allows rotation around the lens nodal point and a tilt-shift lens combined with modern stitching programs is as good for any static or repetitive scene.
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