- what on earth does "scrobbled" mean?

12 Dec 2006
Worthing, West Sussex
Quite a simple question (probably)..!

When I click the time left on the track in the player, it says "scrobbled" (I was expecting it to toggle between time left and time played so far).

So, what does that (scrobbled) mean? :confused:
furnace said:
Quite a simple question (probably)..!

When I click the time left on the track in the player, it says "scrobbled" (I was expecting it to toggle between time left and time played so far).

So, what does that (scrobbled) mean? :confused:

its an old word, used at the start of the 20th century ...

kinda liked the old-world equivelant of 'blagged'

means stolen, taken, or even kidnapped!! that kind of thing

Oh, right.. I thought it was specific :p

So if I "scrobble" a song, it basically says I've got this song?

I wonder if it makes choices on what song to play next depending on what songs you 'scrobble'... because I scrobbled a rubbish song and it's been playing mostly rubbish songs since :(
Hehe :D. is the front-end to the Audioscrobbler protocol (they were two separate things, and then joined forces a couple of years ago). Scrobbling is the word used to indicate the song has been logged in your user profile. Every time you play a track (well, half the track or at least 30s), the track is submitted.

Scrobbling a song means that when you listen to it, the name of the song is sent to and added to your music profile.

Once you've signed up and downloaded, you can scrobble songs you listen to on your computer or iPod automatically. Start scrobbling yourself, and see what artists you really listen to the most. Songs you listen to will also appear on your profile page for others to see.

Millions of songs are scrobbled every day. This data helps to organise and recommend music to people; we use it to create personalised radio stations, and a lot more besides.

You can see what users listened to the most last week by clicking the Charts button at the top of the page. Add your musical taste into the mix and help us get some decent music into the top 10 :)

Which songs the stream plays depends on the stream you're playing. Your personal stream plays music based on your profile, 'Loved' based on what you've indicated as such, 'Artist Radio' supplies music by that artist and those similar/related to it and so on.
Toryglen-boy said:
its an old word, used at the start of the 20th century ...

kinda liked the old-world equivelant of 'blagged'

means stolen, taken, or even kidnapped!! that kind of thing


I think someone's having you on, Furnace...
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