Last 'Great' Game, You Played and Hated, and rating.

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8 Mar 2013
I didn't like Saint's Row IV. Only stupid people or little kids can like this game.

Perhaps if I was still ten years old, or if I were to suffer from serious brain damage sometime in the future, I would be able to enjoy Saint's Row IV.
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Isn't that why we have this thread.

No it isn't.

I just posted in that thread a positive review on Shadow of Mordor. A game which I completed.

This thread is for games that are meant to be the dogs testicles, but are more like dog turds....not everyone will agree but everyone will be able to detect when someone is on the same level as they are. Such a thread could serve to save gamers time and money in their search for their next video gaming hit.
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What really happened:

MatTheCat buys Saints Row IV
He installs it and sets Steam to offline mode before going away for work
He plays it non-stop for 2 weeks while away, realises it's probably the best game he's ever played, he's in love with it
Steam says it wants to go online one day
Mat tries to go online, it won't let him
Consumed by rage he proceeds to spam the forums, telling us how awful Steam and Saints Row IV are, whilst secretly crying that he can no longer play his beloved game.


Saints Row just happens to be the one game that I could get a working crack for. It is quite literally the only game that I can play.

It is a tragedy.
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