Last 'Great' Game, You Played and Hated, and Rating.

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8 Mar 2013
I think there is a need for a thread like this in order to help discerning gamers avoid the over-rated hyped up trash out there.

Saint's Row IV. 3/10 (Metacritic Score: 86/100)

Purchased this from Steam since I was looking to buff my gaming laptop library up with 'options' for when I am away from home. Rave reviews wherever you look, from gaming media and gaming public alike, so what is not to like.

I admit that I only played 2-3 hours of this, and even that took a few attempts as I kept impulsively hitting Alt-F4 in disgust as the game introduced me to the storyline and the characters, which were Naff to the Nth degree. After shooting up a few cliched rag headed Muslim terrorists. A bit racist perhaps and just out of spite, I would rather shoot up a few Kippah headed Jews occupying Palestinian's homeland (if it is ok to shoot up Muslims it must therefore also be ok to shoot up Jews, right?), I learned that the premise of the game was something about a street gang, with patter right out of a braindead US kids TV cartoon show, who have become the rulers of the USA and have a gange member who is president.

After cringing my way through the character creation stage, I eventually managed to navigate myself away from creating a cheesey cliched Americanised avatar, to creating an obese fat ugly mofo, with a females hairdo and a cliched gruff cockney accent, by which no doubt the same old repertoire of lame Americanised verbal patter, could be voiced.


Ok...on with the game.....Aliens have landed and have put the president into some kind of Matrix Skyscraper infested city, which gives the president moral license to destroy things, shoot up police, and create as much havoc as possible from an array of no doubt very narrow and repetitive gameplay modes..... thanks!

I find that these types of sand box games, rely heavily on a good story and likeable(ish) characters to hold the gamers attention, and give him a sense of purpose as he progresses through the main missions and side missions, which mostly consist of a collection of repetitive types of gameplay and/or minigames. For example, I got a lot of enjoyment out of Sleeping Dogs for example. But with Saints Row IV, I find myself hating every aspect of character or style that the game serves up, which basically means that I am going to find it impossible to get any enjoyment out of this title.

Considering the clever and intriguing quality comic strip story telling seen in modern games such as the Bioshock series, Dishonored, Tomb Raider or even the novelesque story telling found in The Witcher series, the brain dead kack being served up by Saint's Row IV is scandalous.
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