last minute beach holidays, where to go?

12 Feb 2006
just going to be me and the g/f going for a week as soon as possible before september as uni starts then.

trouble is because we are only 19 and are so unexperienced in this area we don't know where is a good place to go on the cheapish, £300 ish each.

so bascially come here hoping for some suggestiongs of places to go.

Heres what we look for:

  1. beach style place that is going to be hot but not so ridiculously hot that you have to go in the shade every 2 minutes.
  2. good swimming pool on the hotel as although beach is great, we do spend a lot of time sun bathing at the pool as its better to jump in to swim quickly.
  3. has some stuff/events to do in the day that will keep us entertained
  4. must be stuff to do in the evenings. We went to por aventura in spain last year which was great, but the trouble was because we don't drink, go to clubs and there is just 2 of us once the sun has gone we got rather bored
thats about it for now that i can think of.

I do look online but its so hard to know what is good and isn't as all you get is a few pictures and a small descriptino which of course isn't going to say anything bad.

thanks guys
12 Feb 2006
Youstolemyname said:

Got a beach so you can sunbathe. Got plenty to do in the day and night in terms of more cultural things.

£300 would easily get you flights and an apartment for a week. Or if you wanted, you could probably get a hotel with a roof top pool for around the £300 mark.

thanks for the suggestion

when we went to spain we did visit barcelona and didn't find it that entertaining.

Thinking about it i think we'd enjoy another holiday with a theme park, or atleast very family themed. any suggestions for this?

We also just went to disney paris which was good just we defiently need some beach, or atleast a great swimming pool area at the hotel.
12 Feb 2006
Youstolemyname said:
Crickey! What were you doing in Barca? It's one of the most interesting cities on the planet.

Terra Mitica just outside of Benidorm is a decent themepark. And Aqualandia is a great waterpark in Benidorm.

But......Benidorm is horrid!

Id say go for a greek island

really? well again i put it down to the lack of experience and age but we had no clue what is in barcelona so when we got there it was like ok what now? we walked for ages down a very long and wide alley with tones of shops selling animals and other rubbish, eventually we got the the see and was just turned back as tehre was nothing to do that we culd find.

I forgot to mention my mum did suggest greece but again its where to go, what can we do in the day if we don't want to sun bath and after sun goes down other then the usual stuff ;)
12 Feb 2006
Azagoth said:
Try around the Platja d'aro/Lloret de Mar/Tossa de Mar area in the North East of Spain. Great places to visit, excellent beaches, great restaurants and all within an hour of Barcelona too.

thanks ill look into them.

daz said:
Maybe something like Miami or Orlando in florida? It is rainy season right now but it's still hot and sunny a lot of the time with sharp downpours in the afternoon... but it soon dries up.

thanks for the suggestion but they are way too expensive and also i have been to florida many times and i don't think it would work as neither of us can drive out there yet. it is such a great place to go but i don't think so this time.
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