This thread is aimed more at the blokes than the womenfolk being as the latter tend to cry once a month by default. Sorry ladies, you're welcome to tell me off, make me a sammich and lurk for the gossip though. 
I'm just curious. When was the last time you genuinely cried like a small child? I mean, proper let the waterworks flow. How old are/were you and without wrenching too many heart-strings; (I don't want this to be a sad/depressing thread - just indulging in curiousity is all) what caused it?
I only ask as I honestly can't remember the last time I cried. I've had times where I've felt low, sad and unbearable dispondancy but I still didn't cry. I think the last time I cried was probably around 13/14 although I can't remember over what so it's an educated guess more than anything; so that's about 10 years ago for me. I'm sure something massive around the corner will have me bawling so I'm not playing top-trumps here.
Over to you.

I'm just curious. When was the last time you genuinely cried like a small child? I mean, proper let the waterworks flow. How old are/were you and without wrenching too many heart-strings; (I don't want this to be a sad/depressing thread - just indulging in curiousity is all) what caused it?
I only ask as I honestly can't remember the last time I cried. I've had times where I've felt low, sad and unbearable dispondancy but I still didn't cry. I think the last time I cried was probably around 13/14 although I can't remember over what so it's an educated guess more than anything; so that's about 10 years ago for me. I'm sure something massive around the corner will have me bawling so I'm not playing top-trumps here.

Over to you.