Latest iOS that is safe + stable to jailbreak?

4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
What's the latest iOS that is safely Jailbreakable that I can go to on my iPhone 4?. I'm back in the dark ages with 5.0.1 having not done any updating for ages. I've not been keeping up to date with jail breaking progress so I'm hoping someone can enlighten me.

Forgot to say, preferably untethered. I see iOS 6 is possible for A4 devices but its fairly new and currently it's only a tethered option I believe?
Yes, iOS 6 (and 6.0.1) is tethered only on A4 devices. I upgraded it to check it out, and I found it a little buggy with the tethered JB. So I used Redsn0w and downgraded to 5.1.1 untethered, which is a lot more stable.

5.1.1 is the latest version that you can run untethered on your device. Does Cydia have your SHSH blobs? Or TinyUmbrella on your computer?
Got Tiny Umbrella yeah, pretty sure Cydia has my SHSH blobs too. Been a while since I did this, any chance of a guide on how to go about going from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1?. Link to a website outlining the steps perhaps?. My Googlefu isn't bad but there's quite a few different guides out there. :p

Can I go from 5.0.1 directly to 5.1.1?.
Actually, a lot of the guides out there are an absolute nuisance, because 95% of them tell you to use iTunes, which you do not need to do. Even very recent ones to help people downgrade. I don't know about your past experience but iTunes has always annoyed me. If I'm not editing the hosts file to get rid of 3194 errors, I'm getting 1600 connection and 100x errors.

Redsn0w does it all without iTunes which is great. It's really so straight forward. This guide should assist nicely:

redsn0w 0.9.15b3 (Windows — run in Adminstrator Mode)

Any questions, stick them up. I only did it myself the other day. Yes, you can go straight to 5.1.1. Don't forget to back up!
can you use this to jailbreak a a 3GS which is on an older version of IOS?

many thanks

Because your phone was never jailbroken you never saved your SHSH blobs for 5.1.1 and therefore cannot 'upgrade' to 5.1.1 and jailbreak. The only thing you can do now is upgrade to iOS 6 and hope for a JB soon.

What version are you on out of interest? If you're on 4.2.1 you could jailbreak that version, it's a little dated now, but if you were looking for specific JB-only features, it might be your best bet.
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