Latest Microsoft Betas

MSDN only still though? What's the build on these?

Edit: TechNet as well. I'm waiting on the CTP.

Another edit: Yay all the useful stuff is in Enterprise, Business, or Ultimate. But if I buy Ultimate I will look like a ricer who spends their days sticking LED fans to their case.
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Office 2k7 worked for me (and I'm not on MSDN), Vista it says isn't available yet.

Office version number is (12.0.4017.1006) MSO (12.0.4017.1003). Which unless I'm very much mistaken, is beta 2.
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Office 2007 certainly is a bit weird! Not sure whether I like it or not, would certainly take a lot of getting used to. I'm surprised they've been so radical, I would have thought that one of the strengths of MS Office is a well recognised interface. Still, someone needs to try something new from time to time!
Raymond Lin said:
What is the limitation in Office Beta? Time? Function?

Quote from the Office page linked to above...

Expiration Date
All 2007 Microsoft Office system Beta 2 software has an expiration date of February 1, 2007. After expiration, 2007 Microsoft Office system Beta 2 will continue to work in a reduced functionality mode that limits your options and operations.
Caged said:
Just realised the Office one was there too, landed in my Inbox.

Auth servers are dead / slow or dead slow.
Try, try again.. my home server is d/ling the MSDN Beta 2 iso's at 230KB/s (maxing out my 2mbit connection) whereas d/ling IE7 Beta 2 at work is piddling along at 35KB.. seems I hit a good server from home :)
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