Latest Screen and Motherboard for ender 5 S1 (V1.0.7)

23 Feb 2024
Has anyone installed the latest version of Firmware to the screen on an ender 5 S1,
If so did you take a picture, Reason, I had to re install the software, and the screen is not showing
all the things it should eg progress = 1 line, it should be a circle.

Thank in Advance from Alan
I've not I'd check you've the right version on their website, if not then re-download and rename the file with a bigger version number so it'll pickup and update.
Hi Vent, thank you for the reply, I am running 1.0.7, it appears Creality have down graded the graphics, so I need to go back to 1.0.6
Can you explain further to do that please....
Thanks from Alan
you'll need to download it from the creality website, follow the instructions but when you go to upload it change the file name so it's not 1.0.6 but 1.0.8
it should just accept it after that.
you'll need to download it from the creality website, follow the instructions but when you go to upload it change the file name so it's not 1.0.6 but 1.0.8
it should just accept it after that.
Good Morning Vent, thank you for the information. will give it a go tonight....

All the best from Alan
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