LaTeX help!

23 Dec 2010
Hey guys,

Got a assignment that needs to be in tomorrow, insanely ridiculous rules on how many pages we can utalise and the amount of content the question asks.

Wondering how I would remove the spacing between the top of the page and the \maketitle!

This is what I've got so far.

\date{Monday 3rd December 2012}

\fancyhead[CO,CE]{---asdasdas ---}
[RO, LE] {\thepage}



So if anyone can help, I'd be truly grateful!
Ahh yes, I remember discovering this at uni and doing every piece of work possible in it.

Nothing beats a dissertation done nicely in LaTeX!

Used to think it was crap, since coming to Uni I've fallen in love with it.

I'll have a go of what was listed earlier, I'm trying to finish up for Christmas, too bad tomorrow is my last day...
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