Lawn Fertiliser

20 Mar 2004
My back and front lawn have seen better days, dry patches, dead patches and weeds everywhere. In some places it's growing like wildfire, in other places there's nothing.

I tried some fertiliser/weed killer from B&Q last year, pretty sure it was Evergreen, made some weeds turn black but that was about it.

Anyone have any recommendations, cheap 1's, I'm not tarmacing the whole thing.
Here's some pictures of 1 of the offenders.




I know nothing about gardening, I lived in London with a small concrete garden.
Have I left it too late in the year to do anything about it?
Just a quick google search shows a 400m2 for £20 from Amazon, I have no idea how much I need...
Is it worth buying the spreader as well?
Good point, 200m2 seems a good price, compared to 100m2 which is only a few quid cheaper.

What's the expiry date on this stuff, can it be used again next year?

Also need to know about that spreader, how precise do you have to be with this stuff, admittedly, last time I used it, I just winged it.
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