Lawn question ...

27 Nov 2007
hi all,

the garden lawn is looking a little sad as of late. I scarified it a few weeks ago, which took an age and uncovered plenty of moss. I'm planning to reseed, as there are some sparse patches. But, having looked around online, how necessary is a compost roller and lawn spreader/leveller as part of the reseeding process? I've bought a rotary hand seed spreader, just wondering if it's really worth the cost of these additional tools (mainly given how infrequently I expect to use them). Anyone have any thoughts? Also, whilst I'm asking, how much will I regret manually aerating the lawn with just a hand tool? This is something else I haven't done yet, but an considering doing. Any recommendations welcome ..

Dont bother. They are only really worth it for professionals or anal/obsessive amateurs.

The lawn leveller (lawn lute is proper name) is to get a perfectly flat lawn as it will help spread the top dressing into the low bits. The compost roller is also decent but it really depends on the size of your garden and the time you have. It shouldn't take more than 30 mins/50m2 to spread the compost out by hand with a large landscaping rake. The top dressing with compost helps retain a bit of moisture and stops the birds from having a feast but its actually not necessary.

EDIT: I didnt see the aeration question.... I aerated mine with a 2 prong hollow tine aerator. Total of about 65m2 and it took about an hour.

TBH, let us know the size of the lawn you plan on doing work to and people can give better advice (perhaps a picture?)
Thanks for the reply. Lawn size is about 100m^2. I'll investigate a pronged aerator in that case
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