Lazy and need to be told all about Guild Wars

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Sorry, but...

If I wanted to play, would I only need to buy GW:Factions or would I need the first one too?

How's it compare to wow - I think I heard you need to grind less? But levelling/rewards are slower?

I'm on a pve realm in wow - would prefer a bit more pvp but cba levelling another char to 60 alone, which is what i'd have to do.

Anything else?
lvling a totaly new class on a pvp realm is fun. Ok after about your 3rd 60 it gets boring but a second 60 on a pvp realm is well worth the time to lvl.
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Jono said:
Sorry, but...

If I wanted to play, would I only need to buy GW:Factions or would I need the first one too?

How's it compare to wow - I think I heard you need to grind less? But levelling/rewards are slower?

I'm on a pve realm in wow - would prefer a bit more pvp but cba levelling another char to 60 alone, which is what i'd have to do.

Anything else?

Play through the first game if you're new to GW, factions is a standalone game but the learning curve is tough as its primarily an addon for experienced players.

I gave up WoW and moved onto GW, WoW just got boring for me after i hit lvl 60 and couldn't dedicate lots of time to do the high end content.

GW is so much easier to pick up and play, and have some fun whilst you're doing it. You don't have to rely on finding other people to party with as you can use the CPU controlled characters, but its not as fun as finding a good group.

Also GW is all instanced apart from towns, unlike WoW.

Personally i think its less of a grind AND you level faster, but the cap is at 20 and you hit that pretty fast, then its just down to your skill and what powers you utilise for each mission.
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