Lazy meals - what are yours?

29 Mar 2007
I'm talking about meals that generate minimal washing, take hardly and time to prepare and are at least semi-nutritious :p Something better than a pot noodle, but not something I would consider a proper “meal”.

I have two:

1) Instant cous cous in a bowl with tinned mackerel or sardines in tomato sauce, chopped cherry tomatoes , and chopped spring onions (or any other veg you can get away with not cooking that much). Poor water on and smash in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Done. Maybe a bit of olive oil or coriander on top too.

2) Instant udon noodles in bowl with finely grated ginger, chopped chilli, chopped spring onions, soy sauce and that stock powder stuff you get in the little packets. Bit of cabbage leaf works well too. Bosh in microwave with water and there you go, instant noodle soup. Oh, and a bit of miso paste if you have it.

What are yours? I’m guessing everyone has at least one ‘CBA’ meal..?

Edit: FFS wrong subforum :p
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2) Instant udon noodles in bowl with finely grated ginger, chopped chilli, chopped spring onions, soy sauce and that stock powder stuff you get in the little packets. Bit of cabbage leaf works well too. Bosh in microwave with water and there you go, instant noodle soup. Oh, and a bit of miso paste if you have it.

If you spending your time chopping and adding other ingredients, why do you bother with the instant stuff? Just as quick to make it from scratch and far better.

Spicy bacon & onion tomato pasta is probably my laziest meal, though I'm just getting used to the art of stir fry, so that will probably over take it as a lazy meal soon :)
Boil some pasta (usually fusilli for this), chop some tomatoes and basil and 3 mins before my pasta is cook, add some brocolli floretts to blanch. Drain it then add my chopped tomatoes, 1 teaspoon on olive oil and a handful of blue cheese.

Viola, blue cheese brocolli pasta with tomato and basil. All done in less than 15mins.
If you spending your time chopping and adding other ingredients, why do you bother with the instant stuff? Just as quick to make it from scratch and far better.

How do you mean? The instant udon noodles are those pre-cooked, vac-packed kind. So it kind of is from scratch. The only 'instant' bit as far as I can see is the powder stuff..? I just use a bit of that for seasoning. As for 'chopping', I just do that with scissors Nigella style :p
No microwave or working oven and I hate the thought of spending £10 on a pizza so a quick meal would be like a egg and spam ramen.

That's something always in the kitchen and takes 10min, costs very little.
I have an exquisite dish I refer to as "**!* rice"

It's rice, peas, and sweetcorn, all boiled in the same saucepan (peas and sweetcorn go in a few minutes before the rice is ready), drain, pour sweet chilli & soy sauce on - eat.
Usually a super quick stirfry.

Precooked slice chicken, frozen pepper/onion, noodles 4 mins in boiling water and add some chilli/ginger/garlic cubes as below, splash of soy and water.

Fantastic to have on standby instead of preparing garlic/ginger/corriander/chilli etc.

Dorot Chopped Chilli
I've been pretty hooked on omelettes recently. Only take 5 mins and there's always something in the fridge to add for a bit interest (bacon, mushrooms, cheese, fresh herbs, whatever).
Define quick if you have to use 'instant cous cous' when normal cous cous takes 5 minutes!

Not the biggest Nigella fan but for speed and if you're using good quality ingredients her pea, pancetta and pasta risotto is pretty good. Easy enough to add shallot/garlic at the start and then add bacon, peas, pasta then pasta if you want to change it a bit. Even chorizo would work well instead of bacon
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