LCD Case Mod

25 Jul 2005
I Have a 2" LCD screen from a broken camera and was wondering if I could mod it into the front of my case and use it to show temperature, music titles etc. It has a weird connection and power lead though (I assume it is standard for that type of screen) and I would like to know if it is possible to buy an adaptor to get it working on my PC?
Head over to bit-tech and check out some of the work there. I think you will have a very difficult time getting it to work. For instance it is near impossible to get a normal LCD screen to work without the correct controller board or the correct inputs.

I would saying powering it should be fine once you work out the voltage needed and get the required resistors and make a wee circuit for it, but to get a display on it will be going some I would think.

But hey good luck! and let us all know how you get on.
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