LCD connection advice - scart or RGB or component ?

18 Oct 2002
I've bought a Samsung LCD TV and have connected my 360 to it via the component connection for HD purposes.

My DVD player also has component out, which is best solution : buy RGB scart and connect via that to the RGB scart on TV, or buy a multi-component switcher box and run both DVD player and 360 through component.

Choices, choices,choices !!!!
Venster said:
I've bought a Samsung LCD TV and have connected my 360 to it via the component connection for HD purposes.

My DVD player also has component out, which is best solution : buy RGB scart and connect via that to the RGB scart on TV, or buy a multi-component switcher box and run both DVD player and 360 through component.

Choices, choices,choices !!!!

The differance between RGB scart and Component at SD resolutions may not be enough to justify the expence only you can judge. Try it without a switcher first and take a view. Does your DVD upscale to 720p 1080i? If it does the difference may be greater making Component the better option.
I'm not sure if it upscales, how would I find out. It'a quite an old DVD player : panasonic sc ht900 .

All this technical jargon confuses me !!! Does progressive scan, I know that :confused:
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Venster said:
I'm not sure if it upscales, how would I find out. It'a quite an old DVD player : panasonic sc ht900 .

All this technical jargon confuses me !!! Does progressive scan, I know that :confused:

It will do Progresive Scan over Component at 480p as opposed to Interlaced over Scart at 576i.

The Progresive Scan may be better then the interlaced but this depends very much on how well your tv handles each of the inputs. Again it is somthing you just have to try yourself and see which picture you prefer.

Progresive Scan paints the picture in one hit as opposed to Interlaced that makes the picture from 2 slightly time shifted frames one of the odd numbered lines and one of the even.

It is all a question as to whether your DVD player de-interlaces better than your TV or vice versa.
Forget about upscaling since your TV will do that part.

You should use component for your DVD player since it lists progressive scan as one of the features and no other output will make use of it.

You can only get HD from your Xbox via component or VGA.
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