LCD or Graphics Card?

28 Oct 2002

Everything has been fine until the other day when I come home and saw my Girl Friend using my PC which looked really dark.

I have a Samsung 913n Flat Screen monitor set at 1280x1024 @ 60hz

The display looked really dark, so I upped the brightness and contrast but still was not enough.

I rebooted and it was fine. But again the other day this happened.

Ive just installed Windows Vista Beta 2 on a spare hard drive and the problem seems to be even more frequent in Vista now. I find that if I let the PC sleep then wake it up again, its fine.

The only way to describe this is if you use your Laptop on low Power saving.

Graphics card or Monitor?

All running latest drivers for both XP Home & Vista Beta 2
Yeh, ill have to wait till the in the week to test, as my Sony 17" CRT's at my Parents.

I hope its not the LCD, its JUST a year old :mad:
Neb said:
you could plug it into a tv to save lugging it to a mates house.

TV we've got at the moment has no S-Video :(

My dad had the exact problem you are describing, after a trip to the shop he bought the monitor from it turn out to be the LCD back light had died.

Thanks for the reply Rich. Sounds like it.

It did the same thing this morning booting up Vista Beta 2. So I changed the refresh rate to 75hz which went back to normal (Bright) then switched back to 60Hz and still fine.
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