LCD Side Panel



18 Dec 2016
Hi guys,

So I've made a LCD Side Panel and wanted to know what you all think.

I'm planning on making a full video on how I made it but wanted to show you guys and see if you have any suggestions on how to improve it.

- Playing some video

- Playing a Lucio visualization

- Showing the NZXT PUCK IT! Ad
Thanks. It was my first real attempt at a mod and its taught me so much. Now I want to think of what to do next or maybe do it with a different case.
I think it's fantastic.

How about opal diffusers for your LEDs so you don't have that dots look, I do this with all my led strips that don't have a surface to diffuse over or that are visible.
Thanks. It was my first real attempt at a mod and its taught me so much. Now I want to think of what to do next or maybe do it with a different case.

Don't fancy making one for my InWin303 :p
All joking aside the more I look at the videos the more I think that is super cool. With a tweak or 2 you could be selling those. I know I'd be interested in buying one!
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That's incredible.

I remember Paul Tan did a clear acrylic display for his Reventon MkII project a number of years ago, but that wasn't the size of an entire H440 side panel. I'd LOVE to see how you did it.

Do a walkthrough with lots of pictures, but don't go freehand with your phone so we can see all the detail.
That's incredible.

I remember Paul Tan did a clear acrylic display for his Reventon MkII project a number of years ago, but that wasn't the size of an entire H440 side panel. I'd LOVE to see how you did it.

Do a walkthrough with lots of pictures, but don't go freehand with your phone so we can see all the detail.

I'm really annoyed with myself for not taking more pictures and video of myself during the building process as I really want to make a detailed tutorial video but I think tearing this one apart and rebuilding it would not make for as good a guide as actually starting from scratch with a new build entirely. I also have ideas for improvements so am seriously considering starting from scratch and detailing the entire process.
I think it's fantastic.

How about opal diffusers for your LEDs so you don't have that dots look, I do this with all my led strips that don't have a surface to diffuse over or that are visible.

I think that's a great idea and I will be looking into adding diffuses to the LEDs as the dot look can be off putting especially when viewed from an angle. Another Idea I had to avoid this would to put them slightly further away from the edge of the window to hopefully hide them.
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Don't fancy making one for my InWin303 :p
All joking aside the more I look at the videos the more I think that is super cool. With a tweak or 2 you could be selling those. I know I'd be interested in buying one!


It's funny you say that because I was just thinking how much I would love to make another one and this time improve on all that I did the first time such as diffusing the LED light as suggested above and just perfecting the design.

I was thinking of messaging various company's to try and get sponsorship to make one again as I cant really afford to myself unfortunately but If i was making nit either as a sponsored project I would video it as professionally as I could and allow the sponsor to use it for marketing purposes. The other option would have course be producing them for customers who want them made bespoke and I think this would be loads of fun to do as well as providing a service that I think a lot of enthusiasts would love.

If you really would like me to make one for your InWin303 I would be happy to do it. I would first need to check if I can get an LCD that would make a good replacement for the tempered glass, so could you please measure the tempered glass side panel for me. I would need the height, width and the diagonal measurement.
Wow, I just picked up a H440 and now this makes me want to do it, Was it hard to setup or just time consuming or both ;)?
I would say it was more time consuming than hard. There was a lot of waiting for things to arrive especially the new controller board than I needed to order from China as the one the original monitor I used was unsuitable for mounting inside the case. It was a real learning experience and My original plan was changed a number of times before I got to the final project.

I have got in touch with some companies about possible sponsorship for a new build and I will again be iterating the design as I think I can improve it even more the next time round. I will be filming and detailing the new project in a build log / Instructional Video and will be making it as soon as I can arrange the sponsorship. If anyone has any advice on gaining sponsorship I would really appreciate the advice.
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Nice work mate, my suggestions would be to link to something monitoring temps, clocks etc and display the numbers in a corner perhaps? I mean all the video looks cool but real world you aren't going to have that going nuts next to you while you crack on with some games are you... Or I've seen some LEDs linked to games you could display information like a HUD on it, make it go red when something happens etc etc (depends on the game).

So basically showcase it as a 'functional' thing not simply playing a video on a piece of plastic (no offence intended).
None taken, I think you're totally right and it does need function so I have been looking into how to get it to react to gameplay. I've been trying to find a way to set timers to alarm and make a clear indication when my abilities are off cool down on Overwatch.

For example, When Soldier 76 Helix Rockets are available it plays a helix rocket animation that is full screen but not so distracting that you see it in your peripheral vision. The same for your health station. I would ideally like to also incorporate these with the LED's, so blue for helix and yellow for health. And maybe a little fanfare when ultimate is available but this is usually pretty obvious.

And then spend time doing this for every character.

It would be a great little application to have but It could work with just LED's rather than the LCD but I think it adds an extra cool element to play a video.

In regard to temps etc I often have CAM open in that panel.
Seriously dude, that is one properly epic mod! If you're ever tempted to do one for a Parvum L1.0 mine is screaming out for an animated Welsh flag :D
Very impressed, I could see this been quite useful as a "Temp high" warning panel or even a basic OS memory in use, temps, hdd space free etc.

Looks at it's best when it's displaying largely opaque with some of the light allowed through e.g. the Lucio visualisation.

Would look good fading between full black to full white (i.e. from fully opaque to fully transparent)

In simple terms is this just the insides of a monitor stuck to the side panel without e.g. the backlights? (if so I have plenty of donor monitors available :D)
Seriously dude, that is one properly epic mod! If you're ever tempted to do one for a Parvum L1.0 mine is screaming out for an animated Welsh flag :D

Something like this? What are the dimensions of the side panel / window?

Looks at it's best when it's displaying largely opaque with some of the light allowed through e.g. the Lucio visualisation.

Would look good fading between full black to full white (i.e. from fully opaque to fully transparent)

In simple terms is this just the insides of a monitor stuck to the side panel without e.g. the backlights? (if so I have plenty of donor monitors available :D)

I agree, the strong contrast of black and white really stands out.

Essentially that's right, Its just the LCD panel. The tricky part is getting everything to fit nicely inside the case and getting sufficient light. I had to iterate the design many times and I will do things differently next time too. It's a great learning experience, I've learnt loads about monitors, now I'm confident I can fix any broken LCD.
Something like this? What are the dimensions of the side panel / window?

Kind of, but was thinking more a waving flag but leaving the white part clear, so it looked good as a flag but also showed off the build as well. Not sure if that's possible as this is witchcraft to me :D

I can't measure the panel or window atm sorry as the build is currently in bits in a cupboard. Looking after a mates puppy this week and didn't really want to find out how well she mixed with expensive acrylic cases!

Out of interest, what sort of price would you be willing to sell these for? I know it will depend on size etc but just wondering on a rough ball-park :)
Kind of, but was thinking more a waving flag but leaving the white part clear, so it looked good as a flag but also showed off the build as well. Not sure if that's possible as this is witchcraft to me :D

I can't measure the panel or window atm sorry as the build is currently in bits in a cupboard. Looking after a mates puppy this week and didn't really want to find out how well she mixed with expensive acrylic cases!

Out of interest, what sort of price would you be willing to sell these for? I know it will depend on size etc but just wondering on a rough ball-park :)

So more like this?

Well I guess to get a ball park figure of cost you would need something like this formula:

Case + Monitor/Panel + Lighting (£30/£40) + Controller (£40) + Consumables (£5/£10) + Labour + Shipping

Case - Would need the case to work on to install the panel and lighting so that's why its included.

Monitor/Panel - This would need to be the right size for the window and I think newer screens would provide better transparency and image quality but I've not tested to what extent. Obviously this is a very variable cost depending on the size needed and quality of the panel.

Lighting - This would be LED strips, Molex connectors and diffusers.

Controller - The controller and power boards that come with monitors are usually to big and bulky to be used but of course if possible they will be used but usually a smaller one is needed to mount nicely into the case. (The prices of these can vary quite a lot depending on the panel but this is average) A power adapter is also needed for the LCD. I'm looking into the possibility of connecting the LCD into the PSU. Most monitors require 12v 4a so theoretically it should work.

Consumables - This is things like electrical tape, screws, solder, wires etc

Labour - Whatever you think is reasonable I guess I've not worked out a figure for this

Shipping - I've no idea but I'm an hour above London, so however much it would be to ship a case.
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